Logo the White Tiger

The White Tiger

Japanese Healing Arts &
African Shamanism

Logo the White Tiger

Japanische Heilkunst & Afrikanischer Schamanismus

The White Tiger leads you through different disciplines across the globe. He brings the Traditional Japanese Healing arts Amatsu and the African Shamanism Sangoma to you.

You visit the White Tiger to sustain your health and also to regain your physical and spiritual balance. Whether it is through (e.g.) Acupressure from Amatsu for the physical layer or through a Trance-Meditation from Sangoma for the spiritual/mental level, you don't just boost your well-being, step by step you also get to know yourself better.

You >really< want to get to the roots of your issues? Then take this opportunity and book a treatment at my place this very day!

Aktueller Lehrgang

Aktueller Lehrgang Seite 1
Aktueller Lehrgang Seite 2
Aktueller Lehrgang Seite 3

This is a way of life


Japanese Healing Arts

The traditional Healing Arts of Japan's Ninja and Samurai brings you physical well-being and inner balance.


Shamanism from Africa

This ancient African Shamanism sheds light on your issues and helps you with you shadows topics.

If you are happy in your presence, you'll have a beautiful past tomorrow.

Coming soon…


Holistic Acrylic Art

Acrylbilder auf Anfrage.

Eine eigene Website ist in Arbeit.



The White Tiger

Oliver Roithner

Seit Kind an Tiger-Fan

First Bujinkan-Budô-Training in 2009

Bachelor of Arts in Japanology Vienna since 2014

Amatsu since 2014 and Sangoma since 2019
